Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Great Green Goals for 2010-Part 2

Ok, so here is the actual
list of green things I would
like to accomplish in 2010!

After this cool photo of one of my housplants-"Mother of Thousands":

Mother of Thousands Houseplant

First of all, things to SELL:

One of our vehicles-would like to get down to one working vehicle and ride our bikes more places and have Word Geek work closer to home
Our lawnmower-no excuses this year, it is going one way or another!
Our Dryer-my Brother S. was using it, but will no longer need to use it, so time to sell it because we plan to continue to hang dry our clothes. I think I have convinced my Brother S. that hanging clothes up is pretty awesome!
Will sell other smaller items also we no longer use/need

Research and get a: children’s bike trailer/co-pilot bike/cargo trailer-looking for a replacement for the vehicle we will be selling for short distance trips

Ride bicycle or walk (currently we do walk to do some of our errand running) to ALL short distant (within our town) trips

Make more food/meals from scratch-I think this is going to be on my list every year! This is the year I want to make so many things several times on our own though! So I have a really ambitious list, we’ll see if we get to all of it…
Some specific things I want to learn how to make:
White/Wheat Bread
Pizza Crust
Cinnamon Rolls
Ice Cream
Popsicles (says Lizard Man)
Start making yogurt from scratch again (we haven't done this for quite some time, but have done it before)

Learn to can and make:
Spaghetti Sauce
Pizza Sauce

Use our dehydrators-we now have two!

Use my Crockpot to make more meals/desserts

Make and freeze more meals to eliminate convenient frozen foods from the grocery store when we are busy or don’t feel like cooking

Get rid of high fructose corn syrup foods from our diet-we have been working on this and are doing pretty good, making more meals from scratch should help!

Reduce food waste by using leftovers sooner or freezing the leftovers right away to use in soups, etc.

Make my own toothpaste

Do research on disposable razors and possibly find an alternative for them that gives just as much of a clean shave

Give even more houseplants away to friends and family

Buy or somehow make one container to collect rain water in to use for plants

Buy or somehow make containers for compost worm farms and get worms for them

Finally, add items and open My Green Etsy Shop- http://www.greenresolution.etsy.com with Recycled and Reused items!

Do research on beekeeping and see if I can place beehives safely on parent’s property-right now there are several farms around my parent's property that spray chemicals on their crops

Do research on outdoor ovens and possibly build one

Use my reusable shopping bags even more than last year-for ALL shopping trips-going to try and store them in the vehicle permanently so we don't forget them, EVER!

Plant more seedlings this year than last year

Have a garden with lots of veggies and MAINTAIN IT

Finish large compost bin that I started in 2009 to my standards

Buy, make, and use only reusable feminine products Would still like to experiment with a few different products and possibly give reviews here.

Learn how to sew better with my sewing machine and make more handmade gifts this way

Learn to crochet and make some handmade gifts this way too

And write more posts on my green blog! I have a lot of knowledge to help inspire others that I would like to share that I think in the end could help our planet.

Well, there you have it,
My Great Green Goals
for 2010!

It is an ambitious list,
indeed. We will see
how far we come around
this time next year,

I would love to see your
green goals too, just leave
me a comment or e-mail me. ;)

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